Avital Agro Is The Exclusive Representative Of Reinke In Serbia Since 2010
Reinke one of the three largest companies in the world for the production of linear and center pivot systems. Avital Agro is the exclusive representative of Reinke in Serbia since 2010, with over hundreds of machines implement and thousand of hectares irrigated. Reinke design materials add up to a system that is lighter weight, more efficient and longer-lasting than comparable systems. Reinke has been the leader in Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Precision Management main control panels, water pipe options, satellite-based communications and much more.

Center Pivot
Center pivot irrigation gives you the flexibility other irrigation methods are unable to provide. Center pivot irrigation introduces efficiency along with water management all while having a strong economic value.

Precision Agriculture
Incorporating precision agriculture into mechanized irrigation allows the use of different technologies to manage water applications, having accurate system locations, and the ability to remotely monitor and control irrigation systems.

When a Reinke center pivot or a lateral move system isn’t what you are looking for, you can be sure we have a specialty system that meets every one of your needs. Whether your field has unirrigated corners, is oddly shaped, demands frequent light applications or has an obstacle or two, we have just the right system for you.

Genuine Parts
Reinke dealers carry a full selection of genuine parts to best fit any brand of irrigation system. Having a complete list of inventory parts makes it possible to get your system up and running in no time, as well as making any system updates or improvements.

Water Application
Reinke has always offered only the best sprinkler products to provide a multitude of droplet sizes and pattern widths using advanced rotary, offset axis rotary and fixed spray sprinkler technologies best suited for the specific crop or application.

Lateral Move
Our Electrogator and Alumigator lateral move systems receive the same high quality materials and attention-to-detail engineering as the rest of our irrigation line. They also have enough custom features to match your exact needs. When the goal is watering your square or rectangular field while conserving water, look no further than Reinke.